1.Think of a major road crowded with traffic. So many cars are on the main road that the cars on the side roads cannot enter.
2.The following week, parts of a major road circling Beijing were closed, further tightening overburdened roadways.
3.This lack of resources meant that the first major road was not established until the latter part of the seventeenth century.
4.One of them, next to the Ministry of Finance destroyed part of a major road.
5.It is against the law to occupy any major road. To maintain law and other, the police had no option but to clear the scene.
6.On the outskirts of the camp however, riots flared along a major road that had seen the worst of the recent fighting.
7.We followed the contour of the site's outer ditch and stopped at an earthen bridge, where a major road we had uncovered passed over it.
8.Kathy: It is a major road so they have to work at night as well.
9.Angelina Jolie's directorial debut has reportedly come across a major road bump: She's been prohibited from filming in Bosnia.
10.A sign in the side road warns of the bus lane in the major road.